A field experiment was carried out for two successive summer seasons (2007and 2008) in sandy soil at EL- Ismailia Agriculture Research station El-Ismailia Governorate to study the effect of farmyard manure(FYM) applied with different rates 0,10,20,30 and 40 m3 fed-1 with either inoculation with a mixture of biofertilizer P (Bacillus megatherium), K (Bacillus Circulans) dissolving bacteria and N2 –fixer ( Bradyrhizobium) or non –inoculation. All plots of experiments were foliar treated with different rates (100,200 and 400 L fed-1 ) of organic extract (rabbit manure).
Results indicated that mean values of peanut yield components increased significantly due to the application of high rate of FYM ; these increases were 81.2%,and 79.7% for seeds and straw, respectively. High rates of organic extract were more effective as compared to lower rate . Moreover, using mixed inoculation treatment, also, affected significantly the peanut yield (seeds and straw) as compared to non -inoculation ones.
In addition, data indicated that FYM applied at a rate of 40m3 fed-1 increased N,P & K uptake by peanut seed and straw as compared to control treatment. Similar trend was obtained when soil inoculated with (a mixture of P, K dissolving bacteria and N2-fixer)as compared to non-inoculation. Results also revealed that high rate of organic extract was more effective for N,P&K uptake as compared to the other applied rates.
The interaction between tested treatments showed that the highest peanut seed yield and N , P&K uptake were accompanied with 40 m3 fed-1 FYM application, inoculation with (mixing of P, K dissolving bacteria and N2-fixer) combined withfoliar application with high rates of organic extract(400 L fed-1).
On the other hand, mean values of some chemical properties of the tested soil (pH, EC, OM% and available macronutrients (N, P&K) revealed that values of pH decreased due to the applied treatments. The recorded values showed that the use of 40 m3 fed-1 FYM, inoculation and foliar application with organic extract (400 L fed-1) caused decreases in pH values as compared to the other treated treatments.
An opposite trend was encountered with mean values of EC, percentages of OM and available N, P& K in soil, which had increased due to applied treatments.
These parameters had more affected as a result of the application of high rate of both FYM and organic extract; bacterial inoculation also being more favorable as compared to non- inoculation.