This investigation was carried out at the Cell and Tissue Culture Lab. Agronomy Dept. Faculty of Agriculture ,Al-Azhar University, during the period from 2006 to 2008 aiming to study the main factors affecting callus induction and plant regeneration from cultured somatic explants and anther culture of canola cultivars (Brassica napus L) namely Sarow -4 ,Sarow-6, Pactol, N.A.51 and N.A.355. Experiments were designed to identify cultivars of canola and growth regulators most suitable for successful in vitro. Also, to develop an efficient method for shoot regenerations of canola . The regeneration capacity of different genotypes on MS medium with several combination of plant growth regulators were compared .
The experiments showed that the morphogenitical potential of canola depends on genotype, primary explants and hormonal structure . Highest significant value of plant regeneration was determined for N.A.51 while the lowest value of plant regeneration obtained from Sarow-4 cultivar . The highest value recorded when M.S medium with 0.2 mg/l NAA + 2 or 3 mg/l BAP were used . The cotyledons explants gave the highest values of plant regeneration compared with the hypocotyls explants (2.36 per 5 calluses).In the same time roots did not gave any plants.
Highest callus induction from anthers reported on MS or B5 ,while the lowest callus initiation recorded on N6 medium . The highest value of callus initiation recorded when 3% sucrose were added in the medium while, the lowest value obtained when 9% sucrose were added to the medium .
The genotype effect on callus initiation from anthers showed significance in this respect. Sarow 4 cultivar recorded the highest callus initiation followed by sarow 6 cultivar while, the lowest value recorded was for N.A.355 cultivar. Also, the stage of the microspores development at the time of culture was effective on plant regeneration percent. Uninucleate microspores stage was identified as producing the highest percentage of green plants (33.75 %) compared with the tetrad (23.5 %) stage.
The process of embryogenesis depend on the genotype , light levels, the method of thermal shock and the interaction between light and genotypes .