Twenty-eight zaraibl goats in the 3rd season of lactation with average body
weight of 40 Kg were used in a feeding trial and divided randomly into four similar
groups. All groups fed on restricted amount of concentrate feed mixture (CFM)
(1 Kglh/day) along with clover hay (CH), fodder beet roots silage, (FBRS) sugar beet
tops silage (SBTS) and dried sugar beet tops (DSBT) (ad lib.) in R, (control), R2, R3,
R4 , respectively. Twelve zaraibi buks with average body weight of 50 Kg were used in
four digestion trials to evaluate the nutritive values of tested rations.
The results showed that DM intake expressed as Kglh/day or glKg WO.75 was
not affected by dietary treatments. However the digestion coefficients obtained for all
nutrients of the R2 (containing FBRS), except that of DM were significantly higher
(P<0.01) than those of the other rations. The highest feeding value, expressed as
TDN and DCP, was recorded in R2, while R3 (containing SBTS) and R4 (containing
DSPT) were similar in TDN and DCP and recorded the lowest values, but R,
(containing CH) fall intermediate.
Average daily 4% FCM of goats fed R2 recorded the highest significant
(P<0.01) value (0.994 Kg/day) while those fed R4 showed the lowest (P<0.01) one
(0.778 Kg/day), while R, and R3 gave intermediate values (0.859, & 0.915 Kg/day)
Milk protein%, TS% and SNF% were not significantly affected by the tested
rations. Fat% and av., protein yield were significantly higher (P or R3 rations than those fed R, or R4. Average lactose% was higher (P R2 and R4 than with R3. Av., TS yield and SNF yield were higher (P<0.01) when goats
fed R2 or R3 than when fed Rl or R4. .
The goats fed R2 and R3 contained FBRS and SBTS, respectively, exhibited
higher production efficiency values than those fed Ri and ~ contained CH and DSBT.
Economic efficiency of SBTS, FBRS and DSBT contained rations reflect
superiority over the CH ration by about 32.2, 27.4 and 16.0% respectively.
It could be concluded that using FBRS and SST as hay or silage for feeding
lactating animals will help in solving the shortage of animal feeds problem during
summer and reduce feed cost of Kg milk produced.