Twenty-one crossbred ram lambs (1/2 Romanove x 1/2 Rahmani) at four
months of age and 21.2 kg live body weight were assigned to equal three groups to
study the effect of yeast culture supplementation on growth rate. onset of puberty
(first ejaculation with motile spermatozoa), pest-puberta' semen characteristics and
semen storabiJity at 5°C and some blood constituents. The experimental lambs were
fed as follows: the first and second group (G, and G2) were given basal ration
supplemented with yeast culture (YC) at a rate of 0.05 and 0.025% of live body
weight, respectively. while the third group (GJ) was fed the basal ration only. Blood
samples were taken and body weight was recorded every 15 days interval throughout
the experimental period (6 months). The results of this study cleared that
supplemented YC to G, and G2 Significantly Increased body weight and daily gain
compared with the control (G3). Also. G, and G2 reached puberty 27 and 22.5 days
earlier and markedly heavier compared with G3. The percentages of motile and live
spermatozoa and sperm cell concentration were greater in G, and ~ but lower
values of sperm abnormalities than in G3. The survival rate of spermatozoa were
55.4, 55.5 and 37.5% for G" G2 and G3, respectively. Blood RBCs and Hb value were
higher in G, and G2 but lower in WBCs than in G3. The addition of YC had slightly
effect on serum total protein, albumin and globulin. On the other hand, GOT and GPT
concentration were higher in control than YC-treated animals but differences were
not significant. The superior effect of YC may be due to its improving effect on both
puberty and blood parameters.