Six metabolism trials using eighteen mature Ossimi rams (3 rams in each trial) were conducted. Animals were fed concentrate feed mixture (CFM) at a rate of 1% from live body weight (LBW) and berseem (B), (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) ad lib in different sequences at different times to determine feeding values, voluntary feed intake, nitrogen, water and minerals balance. The feeding sequences were as follows:
Tr1: fed 100 % CFM (8.00 a.m), B (11.00 a.m.) and water (1.30 p.m.).
Tr2: fed 50% CFM (8.00 a.m), B (11.00.a.m.), water (1.30 p.m.) and 50% CFM
(2.00 p.m).
Tr3: fed B (8.00 a.m.), water (10.00 a.m) and 100 % CFM (11.00 a.m.).
Tr4: fed 100 % CFM (8.00 a.m.), water (10.30 a.m.) and B (11.00 a.m.).
Tr5: fed 50% CFM (8.00 a.m), water (10.30 a.m), B (11.00 a.m.) and 50% CFM
(2.00 p.m).
Tr6: drinking water (7.30 a.m.), B (8.00 a.m.) and 100% CFM (11.00 a.m).
Results showed that all nutrients digestibility and feeding values had no significant differences among treatments. The feeding sequences showed that the Tr5 in general had high values for all nutrient digestibility and feeding values than the others and the lowest values were with Tr3. The systematic feeding was not affecting on daily intakes of DM, TDN, SV and DCP. Nitrogen balance was positive with some differences among treatments. The N-retention in Tr5 was higher (27.65% of intake) than Tr2, which was clear from the low N-output in feces. The water balance had significant differences among treatments due to either time of watering or different feeding system in relation to water intake, excretion and balance (%). On the other hand, water balance based on metabolic body size was non-significant differences among treatments. All treatments were in positive mineral balance except Co. Daily intake of TDN, SV, DCP and minerals in all treatments were adequate for sheep. However, addition of Cu and Co are recommended when berseem and CFM fed for high producing animals. Concentration of Mg, K, Zn, Mn and Fe in blood plasma was affected significantly with feeding system. However, Ca, P, Na and Cu in plasma fluctuated around the narrow figures without significant differences among treatments.