The present study was performed in order to investigate the effect of dietary
supplementation of different minced garlic levels and regimes on productive and
physiological performance in Mamourah laying hens. One hundred and five 28-wk.-
old Mamourah hens were divided into five equal groups according to the following
design: group A; received the commercial diet only (control); groups Band C received
control diet plus 3% and 5% fresh minced garlic respectively which given continuously
for 12 weeks; whereas groups 0 and C received the same levels of garlic 3% and 5%
respectively but intermittent 15: 15 days for 12 weeks.
At the end of the first four weeks of experiment egg albumin percentage was
significantly (P by feeding 5% garlic either continuous or intermittent as compared with other dietary
treatments and control. However shell percent at all stages, albumen percent, yolk,
percent and yolkl albumen ratio at the two late stages of experimental period, also
haugh unite score, yolk index, egg specific gravity, shell surface area, shell thickness
were not affected by dietary garlic. Adding garlic to the diet significantly (P reduced cholesterol and total lipids in serum, egg yolk and liver. Serum total protein
at the third period and albumin at the second period were significantly decreased by
the two treatments of 5% garlic.
Body weight significantly (P periods of experiment as compared with control specially those of intermittent system
of feeding than those under continuous system. No significant differences were
obtained between groups in egg number and hen-day percentage except, group (0)
from 4 to 8 wk, which recorded significantly decreased either in egg production or in
hen-day percentage. Egg weight for all treated groups were significantly (P increased during the periods studied as compared with control.. Hen- day percentage,
egg mass (g) hen/day, feed conversion, were not affected by the dietary treatments.
Conclusively, it can be concluded that supplementation garlic in layer diets
produce eggs with low cholesterol and total lipids content. These eggs may be more
desirable for consumers, especially those who suffer from heart diseases.