The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of broiler chicks to
different types and mixtures of-spices as growth promoters. Three feeding trials were
conducted in which black or hot pepper, canella, and carnation were fed at 0.2%
individually (Trial 1), or as a mixture (Trials 2 and 3) and compared to spices free diet
and antibiotic (Neomycin) supplemented-diet. Growth of Broilers, feed intake and feed
conversion ratio (FCR) as well as percentage of dressing and internal organs were the
studies traits. Moreover, in trial 4, the digestibility of protein and fat as affected by
Neomycin and different types as well as mixtures of spices was determined. Results
could be summarized as' fellows~
1- Results frerr» trial' 1 iJiTl!ti~ tInat" €ll~ Qf I1l.ladt Ijl.eIjlPeJi ir.lsipfi"c:aza1J¥ improved
gmw!1ili by 2..2.%. 11IiT.eaJi1WlitJle FCR was ilililf1l:cmeall si![mif€aJlltllW lilY' u_3Jll1D wmen
oo~di t~ tlire commH did.. M€lG~" j al!ri1!ri ~ It.allililJilanatxle FeR tOlINe:af'llTycciirn
sJUoppl'emooll'llted-dfet" ~1!T!!I! aJlU iMnWlMII¥Ernemtt in fe:e:dilllt'ilizatiio1!1l. ,
2- Data! from frfa~ 2' £e~eared: that, 0.2% mildure ofola~ and hot.p,>e:lPlDer Of hot pep.llIer
and camation insfgmificamtl:yv e1'IliTanceci' gwwth Iby r.41 and 3.6%, and significantly
i'mp.covedi FeR by 5.2, and 7.1 %, respectively compared to the control group. They
showed similar growth and FCR to Neomycin supplemented-diet.
3- It was concluded from trial 3 that, a mixture of either black pepper or hot pepper
with canella, and carnation significantly improved growth by 3.9 and 4.2% as well
as FCR by 6.7 and 6.7%, respectively as compared to the control group. They
also exhibited signifcantiy better growth than Neomycin supplemented-diet, even
though FCR was not significantly different.
4- The significant improvement in fCR of Neomycin, and spices supplemented-diets
occurred mainly during 6-21 d of age, and lessen thereafter, and this correlated
with the significant reduction in feed intake of broilers during this period.
5- Comparing results from trials, 2 and 3 indicated a synergistic effect of canella
when added over black pepper and carnation as well as carnation when added
over hot pepper, and canella on growth by 10.3 and 5.5%, and FCR by 5.6 and
4.7, respectively.
6- In general, the results from trials 1, 2, and 3 indicated that 0.2% black pepper
improved growth insignificantly, and FCR significantly as compared to the control
diet, and being equal potent as any mixture of spices as well as Neomycin.
7 - There were insignificant differences in efficiency of the protein, or fat retention
among different types or mixtures of spices and the control 'group as well
Neomycin in trial 4, however, numerical improvements were observed.
8- In general, Neomycin and different types and mixtures of spices had no adverse
effects on dressing and internal organs of broilers.
it is concluded that 0.20% of black pepper could serve as non conventional
feed additive in broilers diets, however, further research for alternative feed additives
should be continued.