This experiment was co.nducted to. study the respo.nse o.f Musco.vy ducklings
to. dietary supplementatio.n with so.urces and levels (3 and 6%) and iso- diets and the effect en gro.wth perfo.rmance, carcass traits, digestibility o.f
nutrients and efficiency. A number o.f ninety one-day old Musco.vy
ducklings were used and were reared en fleer and fed ad-libitum en starter diet fer two.
weeks. Then, ducklings were divided equally into. five o.f 18 each, and received
the gro.wer diets acco.rding to. so.urce (corn, dry fat) and level (3,6%) in additio.n to.
the co.ntro.l. The experiment lasted fer 12 weeks.
The results indicated that bo.dy weight, weight gain were net statistically
impro.ved with so.urces, whereas feed co.nversio.n was better by feeding cern
co.ntaining diets. Ducks fed cern (C03%) had surpassed all treatments and gave
the highest live bo.dy weight, weight gain and feed conversion, while ducks fed dry fat
(Of" 3-"70)' galle tme' most inferio.r perfo.rmance at the same age. Data of dressing,
giblets" inedible parts and visceral fat percentages shewed significant differences
between the different treatments, The' percentages o.f ether extract and crude protein
of me-af wer.e affected by treatments. Dietary sources improved significantly
ether extract digestibilify, wf1ile' crude. protein, crude fiber; organic matter and nitrogen
free extract did not shew any significant effect.
The economic evaluation showed' moat com oil-eontaininq diets gave better
relative economical efficiency value than those of either dry fat or control diet.