Twenty fovr crossbred lambs (1/2 Finish Landrace « 1/2 Rahmani) aged 3
months old with 17,95 kg average body weight and were randomly blocked by weig t
in three equal groups A, Band C and were fed on the following rations: 1- 50°0
concentrate mixture (CM) + 50% berseem hay (BH),control; 11- 50% CM + 25% BH +
25% dried sugar beet tops (OSBT); III· 50% eM + 50% DSBT, respectively. The air
01 the present study is to studying the effect of feeding OS8T as a replacement of
berseem hay In the ration on the productive ar'ld reproductive performance of ram
lambs. Three digestibility trails were done for the nutritional evaluation of tested
The main rssuttes showed that the OM, OM, CP and NFE digestibili
coefiecients as well as nutritive value expressed as TON and OCP content 01 ration II
were not significanlfy differed compared with those of ration I (control). but they wale
significantly reduced when the level of OSBT was increased up to 50% in ration'lr
However, the digestibility of CF increased (P (ration III) comparing with ration , (contrcl). Concentration of NHl·N was lower
(P<0.05) while concentration of total VFA's was higher (P rams fed on ration III than those fed on rauons I and II. The effect of feeding na:s
insignificant effect on blood urea. glucose, haemoglobin, total protein, albumen a~d
globulin concentrations. Average daily gain (ADG) for groups A and 6 was high (P<0.05) than that for group C. Feed efficiency as kg OM I kg gain improved by 9.9(3
and '3.13 % for lambs in groups A and B, respectively compared to lambs in group C.
Feed cost as L.E I kg gain decreased by 16.23 and 18.30 %, while economical
efficiency improved by 19.47 and 22.57% for lambs fed on rations II and III comparing
with those fed on control ration I.
Ram lambs in group B expressed first ejaculation (puberty) younger by 51.4
and 33,2 days than those in groups A and C. respectively. No significant differences i testosterone concentration (TC} in serum of ram lambs in the three groups at a I
stages of sexual development, Rams given ration I and" were produced semen i
greater (P<0.05) quality (volume, motile spermatoz.oa, live spermatozoa, sperm ce I
concentration and sperm outpvt) than those given ration III, However, the percentage
of abnormal spermatozoa and abnormal acrosome were lower (P<0.05) in group A
than those in groups 8 and C.