One hundred and eight, unsexed one-day old, Muscovy ducklings were fe~
practical corn-soybean mealatarter diet (21.42% CP snd 2942 kcal MElkg) dumg t
first 14 days post-hatching. On day 15, ducklings were distributed Into 6 equal grou s
of similar body weight; each was fed (for a10- week period) one of 6 experimen al
grower diets contalning approximately 18% CP and 3000 tcal ME/kg. Diet 1 (cont .1)
was a corn-soybean meal basal diet. Diets 2 and 3 were the same basal diet but 30%
and 6QOAI of its soybean meal protein was replaced by black comin (Nigslla $ati 8)
meal protein (SCMP), respectively. Diets 4. 5 and 6 were as diets 1. 2 and 3,
respectively but with addition or 3% fresh garlic (FG). At the end 01 the experiment,
a digestion trial was carried out on 3 male ducklings ffom each group, whIle snothe 4
birds from each group (two males and two females) were slaughtered to stu
carcass traits. Thd obtained resutts indicated that feeding the tested materials had no
signifICant effecb on final bOdy weight, weight gain or reed conversion. The groups
fed BCMP at a replacement ratio 01 60% either alone or plus 3% FG shOWed
numerical Increases In leed Int_e compared 10 the control. Dry matter, orga ic
matter, ether extract and nitrogen-free extract digestion coefficients were not affect~d
by treatments, but erratic differences in crude protein and crude fiber dlgestlbiliti~s
were observed among treatments. Carcass traits were not signif,cantly affected ~y
treatments with Ihe exception of a significant decrease in visceral and pad f~t
occurred with feeding FG; especially in combinations with BCMP. Signilicart
differences were observed among treatments In meat composition or ducklings. Nat
revenue increased wllh reeding the two tested materials. whereas the highe~t
economic efficiency was achieved upon feeding the diet containing BCMP et a
replacement ratio of 30% of soybean meal protein either alone or plus 3% FG.
compared with th8t of the control. It can be concluded that feeding Muscovy ducklings on diets containing BCMP or FG al the tested levels either alone or in combinations, resurted in an insignificant improvement in tM growth perfonnance 01 b'lrds, with 110 adverse effectsl on carcass trails or meal composition. hOwever. the dietary addition of FG reduaJd carcass fat.