Leaves from the snrups Acacia Saliga, Morus nigra, Salix tetraspema and
Tipuana tipu i~rigate by wastewater of New Borg EI-Arab City were evaluated as a
sole feed or supplemented with concentrate feed mixture (250g) for sheep. The
tested plants were nutritionally evaluated in two parallel experiments. The first
experiment (3 x 3 Latin square) was carried out on Suffolk x Barki rams to determine
nutrients digestibility and utilization of dietary nutrients for the tested plant . Rumen
fermentation patterns for the tested plants were estimated on three fistulated ewes
USing the Nylon technique. In the second experiment, a feeding trial (4 x 5 factorial)
for 120 days was applied on 20 pregnant (3 months) Barki ewes, wtlere they
randomly according to their previous average daily milk production in four equal
groups. Plants were offered ad lib, while concentrate feed mixture (CFM) was offered
(250 g/h/d) in two equal portions (7.00 am and 16.00 pm). Dally milk yield was
individually recorded and milk composition was biweekly determined. HeaGy metals
(Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr) in tested plants, feces, urine, milk and seru blood in
addition to hemato - biochemical constituents were determined. Measured nutritional
parameters for experimental plants on sheep indicated that, both rate of either OM or
CP degradation and their effective degradability values were increased ith Morus
leaves than other plants. Nutrient digestion coefficients of OM, Cp, CF, NOF, AOF
and EE were improved (P<0.05) with Morus leaves. Dietary nitrogen utili~ation was
obviously higher (P<0.05) with dietary feeding Morus leaves. Ruminal pH values were
higher for Acacia at all sampling times than other tested plants. Whereas, NH3 - N
concentration was lower (P<0.05). , while corresponding values were com arable for
other tested plants. Ruminal VFA's and acetate concentration were higher for Morus
leaves, • v :~i!~ more butyrate was recorded for Tipuana leaves. Results of the f~edin:l
experiment on lactating ewes illustrated that, daily mHk production and ilk fat and
protein content were increased (P<0.05) with feeding Morus leaves a d CFM in
comparison with other tested plants. Acacia showed higher (P Zn, Pb, Cu and Cr, while higher milk content of Cd was noticed with Tipl1ana. Salix
was the less milk content of all measured heavy metals. No significant differences
were observed among sheep for their blood constitutions of TP, A, G, N ratio, Pb
and Cd.
It could be concluded that, Morus or SaliX as leguminous trees and hrubs can
be used as a sole fodder feed for sheep, especially of those of the neW reclaimed
lands irrigated by wastewater in order to fill the gab of shortage of some green
forages and to improve llnimall. productivity in the North Coast of Egypt. owever, in
the case of Acacia, it should be supplemented with any energy source.
Keywords: Sheep, Shrubs, digestibility, In situ degradability, Lactation, intake.