Four lsocalooc isonitrogeoous starter (3093 kca\ MEJkg: 22.00 %CP and
finisher (3205 kcal MElkg; 18.50 %CP) broiler diets in which SBM protein was paplally
substituted by NSM protein at 0 (cont(O~. 10, 20 and 30 "10 levels were formulated and
offered to the experimental broiler dlicks.
A total number of 576 unsexed one-week old Arbor-Acres broller chicks were
assigned randomly to 4 dietary equal groups or 12 equal replicates eaen . Chick
groups were offered the starlet diets in which SSM protein was replaced by NSM
protein at 0,10,20 and 30%.At the begInning of finishing period, a total number of 120
chicks were randomly chosen from each experimental group and divided into 4 equal
sut>-groups, each in 3 9(lusl replicates and fed NSM finisher diet .Therefore, there
were 4 and 16 experimental groops in the starting and finishing periods. respectIVely.
From the nulriliol'\aJ and economical point of view, it could be concJude:(j thai
substituting NSM crude protein up to 30 % ror SSM crude protein in both starter and
finisher diets of bioiler chicks improved their growth performance and the nu ienls
digestibility coefficients of the experimental diets without any detrimental or hannful
effect on the carcass characteristics and blood constituents for broiler chicks. ince
poultry production dependS mainly on the economical return, feeding broiler chiC son
diets containing NSM crude protein at level 0110 or 20 % Instead of SSM protein to 4-
wit of age and up to 30 % instead of S6M protein 10 7-wk of age gave th best
economical efficiency.