An experiment was conducted to evaluate effects of hydrated sodium
calclum aluminosilicate (HSCAS) and aflatoxin (AF) without or with adde~ minerals
and vitamins on tuf1(ey performance. apparent mineral retention, tissues ~mponenl
and AFB1 residues. A total number of 420 unsexed day old White Holla d turkey
chlds were divided into 12 groups (5 replicates of 7 chicks each). Three factors of the
feeding program were investigated in a factorial (3x2l112) arrangement Three levels (0.
0.5, 1%) of HSCAS and two levels (0, 1.25 ppm) of AF without or with added 0.25%
calcium (Ca). 0.13% available phosphorus (AP), 20 ppm zinc (Zn). 20 ppm
manganese (Mn) and Vitamin A (1200 IUlkg) were incorporated into practical com-
soybean meal basal diet and fed from 1 to 35 days old. The results obtained Indicated
that adding AF singly to basal diet showed many effects (P < 0.05 or 0.01), it
decreased body gain (28%), feed intake (15%). bursa of Fabricius and thym s glands
weight (%). meat fat and glycogen contents. and blood hemoglobin. totaliproteins,
toral lip < /em>ids and cholesterol constiluents. YVhiIe mortality rate, reed to gain rati6. relative
Ilver (68%), kidneys and spleen weights, fiver fat content (141%), and seruT alanine
aminotransferase CAL T) and aspratate aminotransferase (AST) activilles were
increased and there was AF81 residues in meat (25.4 ng/g) and liver (93.4 ng/9)
tissues 'or basal diet contained AF singly. Inclusion of 0.5 or 1 % HSCAS t~ AF diets
diminiShed and recorded simifar protections about 45-74% against AF jffects on
different Iraits ciled above. While raising level or minerals and vitamin A wi~ AF diets
had a negative effect (P<0.05) on aflatoxicosis. Inclusion of HSCAS at bOth levels
singly 10 basal diet unaltered (P < 0.05) growth performance values and lissues
camponent. except Zn and Mn apparent retention and their cantents in tibi~. toe and
liver. and also vitamin A content in liver were decreased (P < 0.05 or 0[01). The
effects or 1% HSCAS were more severe (P < 0.05) than those or 0.5%. whie adding
AF with HSCAS diets had not altered (P -e 0.05) these effects of HSCAS. Raising level
of studied minerals and vitamin A with basal diet had negative effect, but these added
nutrients with HSCAS diets negated all advel'6e effects occurred by bo levels of
HSCAS on Zn, Mn and vitamin A stalus. Both ash. Ca, P apparent retention and their
contents in tibia and serum were unaffected (P < 0.05) In the present study .Iit can be
concluded that although the recommended 0.5% HSCAS for binding AF ~naltered
turkey growth performance values, raising level of some minerals and vita~ins with
HSCAS diets is very essential to campensate the deficiencies of these nutrients