The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of housing system (cage or
floor) . source of light ( fluorescent or incandescent) and feeding regime ( 80 . 90 and
100 % diet levels of the ad-libitum) on some productive and reproductive traits of
Mamourah layers hens.A total number of 360 hens at 28 week of age were randomly
divided into two housing system groups and were similarly weights. The first group
was housed in individual cages. while the second group was housed in floor pens
(180 hens). Each housing system group was subdivided randomly into two light
sources, which received fluorescent and incandescent light (90 hens in each). Each
source of light was divided randomly into Ihree feeding regimes. The first treatment
(30 layers) fed 100 % diet level, while the second and the third treatments fed 90 and
80 % diet levels. respectively. The experiment continued until 52 weeks of age. Body
weight, weight gain, egg number, hen - day egg production . egg mass . feed
conversion . fertility . hatchability and some exterior and interior parameters of eQg
quality were determined. The obtained results can be summarized as follows:
t-Reoardless of source of light and feeding regime effects. the hens were housed in
cages significantly improved egg number per hen feed conversion and yolk index:
while. those were housed on floor significantly surpassed in egg shell weight
percentage and shellthicl weight gain. e9g weight and yolk weight percentage; while. the opposite (decrease)
was in fertility. hatchability from total egg set. egg shape index. albumen weight
percentage and Haugh units.
3-ln respect of light source effect, the hens received fluorescent light were significantly
better in final live body weight. egg number. hen - day egg production. feed
conversion and egg mass than those received incandescent light; white. the later
hens surpassed in weight gain. eggshell weight percentage and shell thickness.
4- There were significant interactions between the effects of source of light and feeding
regime levels on most of the estimated parameters in this study.
It can be concluded that breeding laying hens in individual cages with
using fluorescent bulbs as a source of light and feeding on 90 % from the ad-
libitum level at the beginning of laying period will give an improvement in
performance of egg production and reduction in costs of electricity
consumption throughout the breeding period with a decrease in the diet price.