This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of using Cymbopogon
citralus leaves (CCl) and Eucalyptus globulus leaves (EGl) as feed additives on
growth performance. slaughter test, digestibility coefficient. some plasma constItuents.
sensory evaluation (panel test) and economical efficiency. Two hundred and seventy
Hubbard broHers fed on the basal diet at the first week then divided Into nine groups at
1week (wk) of age. The first group was fed on the control diet. whereao groups 2, 3 . .:I
and 5 were fed on the control diet supplemented with CCl at levels 0.02/0.02.
0.0210.04.0.0410.04 and 0.0410.06% (growerlfinisher). respectively. And groups 6. 7,
8. and 9 were fed on the control diets supplemented with EGl at levels of 0.0210.02.
0.0210.04,0.04/0.04 and 0.04/0.06% (growerlflnisher), respectively.
The obtained results showed that GCl or EGl addition to broiler diets
signifICantly (PUsing different levels of Cel or EGl had no significant differences in feed
consumption. Feed conversion (FC) was Significantly Improved with eel and EGl as
feed additives. Also there was no effect on mortality due to experimental treatments.
Addition of eel or EGl significantly improved digestibility coefftcients (Pof OM. OM. GP. and NFE. There were no effects on digestibility coefficient of EE and
GF due to the dietary treatments.
Carcass and total edible parts (%) were significanlly (Pincreasing CCllevels in the broUer diets, while there were no slgnjfi~nt differences
due to the addition of EGl in the diets. The addition of Gel or EGl showed significant
effect on spleen, bursa and thymus gland.
Broiler chicks fed on diets supplemented with medicinal plants showed iowtlr
values of plasma abdominal fat, cholesterol content and tOlal lipids. No significant
differenCes were observed in plasma tolal protein. albumin. globulin and A/G ratio,
while there was significant effect (Peffects on liver function.
Addition of CGl or EGl improved sensory properties (color. taste. aroma and
consistency) and relative economic efficiency (REE).
In general. the obtained results indicated thai using Ce l and EGl enhance the
growth performance and economical efficiency with no deleterious effects on plasma
constituents of broiler chicks.