ThiS study was carried oul on two experirneols. The first experlrnent WClS
conducted as a pilot experiment lasted 30 day Of) fifteen Sudanese camel calves
(Came/us dromedaries) aged 2·3 years ano welghl6d 268.6242.49 Kg to determlne
selectively dry matter intake (free consumptlon) trom concentrate teed mlldure (CFM)
and clover hay. The second one was experiment prctonqed 120 day using
the same animals. which reached on average of 288.S±41. f" kg to evaluate
replacsment clover hay (control) with untreated rice straw (URS) or ure a treated rice
straw ( T RS) to decrease feeding c osts. T he a nirnals wera divided I nto t nres equal
groups In weight and fed CFM at 1.55 % 01 body weight, which represents 75% of
dry matter Intake as determined In the first experiment.
The t-atlening experiment showed no sJgnlfiC three groups. There was no significant (P groups in the digastiblliUes of DM, Q,\.-l, CP, CF. NFE and the nutritive value as TON or
DCP. White, the previous parameters were stgnifl(:::anUy (P<0.05) tower for URS
compared with control or TRS groups. The tOlal water Intake as well as the insensible
water loss was significanUy (P<:O.OS) higher when animals fed TRS ration comparillg
with the other groups. The nitrogen balance of control and TRS groups was similar
and slgI'jficanUy (P control and TRS groups being 525. 593 and 600 g respectively. The TRS and-cootrol
groups were mars feed conversion efficientry (P 10.36 and 11.78 (DMl/gain), respectivetv As a result of reducing feeding costs
(LElheadiday) significantly (P< 0.05) for the TRS and URS groups vs. the control
group, being 3.24, 3.~ and 4.10, respectively. feeding carne: calves on TRS ratlcn
gave the highest profit (ollowed by URS then control grouP. 't>etng 115.2. 57.0 and
7.~ LE/hiperiod.
II could be concluded that clover hay could be entirely replaced with rice straw
either treated or not treated with urea molasses mitlur6 to reduce feeding costs as
well as achieving more profu.