The present study was conducted to determine an adequate dietary, crude
protein level for local Mamourah laying hens. One hundred and seventy five (25 males
and 150 females) Mamourah chickens of 30 weeks old were used. The birds were
randomly distributed into five experimental groups and individually caged in laying
batteries. Five experimental diets were formulated to be isocaloric (ME, of about 2700
Kcall Kg) and having different erude protein (CP) Levels (16 % CP; control, 14, 15, 17
or 18 % CPl. The birds were fftd the experimental diets from 30 to 54 weeks. Males
were used, however. for semen collection. Hens were artificially inseminated twice a
week throughout the experimental period.
The criteria of response were laying performance, egg quality. egg fertility.
hatchability, and some carcass characteristics. Digestibility of nutrients of the
experlrnental diets were determined using adult cockerels. Some blood constituents
were also determined. In addition, an economic efficiency was calculated at the end of
the experiment
The obtained results showed that there were no significant differences among
the experimental chicken groups in laying performance, egg quality, fertility and
hatchability. or in the studied blood parameters. Also, there were no significant
differences among dietary treatments in digestibility coefficients of nutrients of the
experimental diets.
From an economic point of view, the diets having 14 % or 15 % CP and 2700
Kcal ME/Kg could efficiency be used for Mamourah layers without any adverse effects
on their productive or reproductive performance.