The present study was carried out at Maryout Research Station (35 km north
western of Alexandria), belonging to the Desert Research Center. Twenty pregnant
Baladi goats (2-3.5 yrs old and average body weight 28.2 ± 0.94 kg) were used to
investigate the changes in some blood minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
and zinc) concentration during pregnancy (early and late) and lactation (early, mid
and late) periods. Does were synchronized for estrus using Estrumate PGF20
(Estrumate analogue) and pregnancy was diagnosed by plasma progesterone
determination on day 22 postmating.
Results revealed that calcium increased significantly in the late gestation and
early lactation periods and ranged between 8.7 to 11 mg/dl then declined to 7.3 mg/dl
at parturition .. Magnesium tended to decrease significantly either at late gestation or
at parturition as compared to lactation period. From early to mid lactation period, the
magnitude changes in Ca, P and Mg concentrations were found to be 27.2, 27.1 and
13.1 %, respectively. On the other hand, calcium: phosphorus ratio (1.7: 1 ) was found
to be within the normal level. The maximum level of zinc was recorded at the last
month of gestation then declined at parturition.
Positive correlation coefficients were found between Ca and P during the
different physiological status. Also, negative correlations between Mg and other
minerals were noticed during gestation period while the corresponding correlations
were positive during the lactation period.
The present study concluded that The results concluded that Ca, P, Mg and Zn
concentrations decreased to minimum levels at parturition time whereas its increased
at mid and late of lactation. However? profile parallel to Ca profile throughout the
studying period which reached to maximum levels at the late of pregnancy and mid of
lactation and decreased to minimum levels at parturition time.