Twenty-one weaned four months old buffalo calves of about 90'!:1 232 Kg
body weight wer~ randomly allotted into three similar groups. The first qroup received
a diet containing no supplemented fat, 2nd received diet containing toea! i'1"0duced
calcium salts of fatty acids (LCa-SFA) seeds and the3nl received a diet containing
Imported calcium salts of fatty acids (ImCa-SFA). A calcium salt of fatty acids (Ca-
SFA) was added to concentrate diet by 8% on OM basis of total concentrate as
replacement of 50% of corn grain on energy basis. The three rations were comparable
in nutrient contents except that EE. which was lower in the treated rations. The
content of ash, medium chain and saturated fatty acids were higher and the FA and
AEE were lower in imported compared to the locate Ca-SFA Feeding local Ca·SFA
resulted in high (P<0.05) feed conversion and weight gain than the other two groups.
Nutrient digestlbilrty and nutritive values, except AEE, were not affected with
adding Ca-SFA to the experimental rauons. The digestibilities of cell wall constituent
(NOF. ADF. cellulose and hemi-cellulose) were not affected significantly by added Ca-
SF A compared with control group.
The average daily gains of the tested groups were significantly higher than
the control. Meanwhile, the group fed on ration included local Ca·SFA showed higher
gain rate than those fed the Imported Ca-SFA
Ruminal pH, TVFA's Acetate butyrate and PJP ratio, T N, NPN and TPN
were not affected by feeding Ca-SFA as compared to the control group. A proportion
of propionate was significantly (P added Ca-SFA compared with control
Total lipids. TG, totaf cho!esterol and FFA's in blood serum were significantly
higher in the treateo groups compared to the control. Neither local nor imported Ca-
SFA affected the values of total protein, albumin. globulin, PJG ratio. NH3-N. SGPT.
and SGOT and alkaline phosphates in blood serum.
It could be concluded that local Ca-SFA instead of important one could be
efficiently utilized in animal feed~ as by pass fat (or growing buffalo calves.