Fifteen Baladi does aging 8·10 months old and weighing 15·16 Kg were used
as experimental animals. Does were reared at the National Research Center
Experimental Farm (Abo Ravtash, Giza, EgYl't). Does were kept free and away from
bucks and were randomly allocated iflro l~ tqual groups for performing feeding
trials. Does were fed on the farm ration alone (R1), or the farm ration and injected
subcutaneously by propotis(l ml /head ) every 15 days (R2) or fed on the farm ration
contained100 9 of black cumin cake / animal/day (R3). Immediately at the end of the
feeding period, the effect of supplementation on digestibility, nutritive values rumen
activity of rations were investigated and does were injected with 2 doses of
prostaglandins and were allowed to be mated by bucks and followed up till kidding
and some reproductive and kidding parameters were recorded.
Results indicated that supptementation improved the average daily gain by
21.4% and 28.5% for pro polis group and Nigella group, respectively. The results of
digestibility triats indicated that total dry matter intake, g/kg BW increased with Nigel/a
Sativa than that of propolis , Nigella supplementation improved the digestibility of
DM,OM.CP and CF in contrast to NFE digestibility which was lower for nigella than
that of propolis group. Adding nigella tended to improve the nutritive value of basat
diets. Ruminal pH value significanlly decreased 3 hours post feeding white, NH3·N
and TVFA'S concentration significantly increased From the reproductive point of
view, conception and twining rate as well as kids vigor improved after
supptementation with propotis and nigella . Also, general health status and liver
function improved after supplementation as shown by the cellular and biochemical
changes in the blood . especially the increased gamma globulins and the
hepatoprotective effect
It could be concluded that propolis and nigeJla improved the productive and
reproductive performance of Baladi does