This study aimed at investigating the effects of feeding mate rabbits on diets
containing different types of silage on attainment of puberty at 16 weeks of age and
semen quality at 24 weeks of age. A total of 45 NZW male rabbits (6 weeks old) were
allotted into 5 similar groups fed 100% complete feed diet (CFO) and was served as
control group ((31) as compared to those fed 70% CFD and different types of silage
(30%) including carrot roots (62). carrot tops (G3). berseem (G4) and corn (GS)
silages. All groups were fed on the tested rations from 5 weeks of age up to 34 weeks
of age. At 16 weeks of age (expected age of puberty), results showed insignificant
differences in testosterone concentration among the experimental groups, although
there was a tendency of higher values in 62 and 65 than those in G3. (34 and G1. On
the other hand. the testicular weight showed significantly the highest values in G5 and
the lowest values in (33. However, males in the other groups showed moderate
testicular weights. On the basis of the histological examination. testis in G4 and GS
had more developed testicular findings than that in control and GS. which showed
developing testes. However, testes of males in G2 showed moderate findings. At 24
weeks of age (Mature age). bucks in GZ and (35 showed significantly the highest
sperm cell concentration. and percentages of mass motility and live spermatozoa as
well as the lowest sperm abnormality percentage. However, ejacuiate volume did not
differ significantly as affected by dietary treatment groups. Reaction time was
significantly the shortest in GS (43 sec) and 62 (42.8 sec), followed by G4 (49.5 sec).
while GS and Gt showed significantly the longest reaction time (57.5 and 59.7 sec.
respectively). Total number of spermatozoa as well as live. motile and normal
spermatozoa per ejaculate was significantly higher in G2, G4 and G5 than those in (31
and GS. Conception rate was higher in Gt. G2. G4 and GS than (33 (100 vs. 60%).
in conclusion, the current study indicated the possibility of feeding bucks on
diets containing, 30% from each of corn. carrot roots or berseem silage to attained
eariy puberty in male rabbits without reversible effects on their semen quality. sexual
desire and conception rate at mature stages.