The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of five different methods
to diagnose pregnancy in sheep. A total of 466 of crossbred (Finnish x Rahmani)
ewes were mated naturally in September (n=382) and May (n=84) mating season.
Serum P4 concentrations at day 18 after mating were determined by RIA test. The
ewes which showed blood P4 >1 ng were considered pregnant. Based on iambing
data. the accuracy for diagnosing pregnant (positive) and non-pregnant ewes
(negative) were 96.59 and 100% at day 18, respectively. By day 30 after breeding. an
accuracy of 80 and 94.2% has been obtained for pregnant ewes using non-return to
estrus as pregnancy diagnOstic method at May and September mating season.
respectively. Pregnancy diagnosis is possible using ultrasonic-technique (A-scan)
42-85 day post breeding with an accuracy of 92.6 and 69% for pregnant and
nonpregnant ewes. respectively. Abdominal palpation is effective during late
pregnancy provides accuracy of 84.8 and 57.8% after 60-95 days of gestation in
pregnant and nonpregnant ewes. respectively. The present results indicated that
ewes pregnant in triple had significant increase in live body weight followed by ewes
pregnant in twins and singleton- carrying ewes. with percentage of change in live
body weight 887-1029 and 11.52-16.51 after 60 and 90 days post breeding,
respectively. It c0uid be concluded that ovine pregnancy can be reliably with high
accuracy and saftey under field condition by using non-return to estrus. ultrasonic
technique (A-scan). abdominal palpation and increase in body weight . The
advantage of these methods over the P4 test using RIA method is overcoming lab