The present work was carried out to investigate the effect of semen
quality of bulls on repeatability and milk yield of cows.
One hundred cows from a private dairy farms 360 kms southern
Khartoum city were suffering from repeatability and poor milks yield
Veterinary medical diagnosis was carried out for the cows, no ventral
disease or physiological aspects were observed, semen ararnination was
done to the sires (six), four sires out of them had aspermia, while the other
two sires have low fertility rate (less than 50 %).
The sires replaced with proven ones , hence the cows onceived and
became pregnant, calved and gave abundant milk.
The present work research found that there is positive effect of semen
eva!uation on conception and on milk yield. It could be the research
recommended that monthly semen evaluation arid brucella test to must be
carried out minimize to avoid the repeatability and indirectly to increase yield
the poor milk of the cows.
Keywords: Bull, Semen, Repeatability, Milk Production
One of the most important factors to be examind for bull fertility is
semen evaluation (Setchefl, 1977).
Bull fertility usually considered as a measure for sire reproductive
efficiency Bearden, and Fuquqa (1987) proven sire is very important for dairy
fanning arid ¡t should be mature enough to copulate, healthy, has moderate
size, from good dairy breed, more sexually aggressive, more quickly moving
around and copulate more often before exhausted (Webster, 1987). Semen
should be examined and evaluated in vitro before insemination. The factors
cause deffect in sperm viability such as testicular. Degeneration, lorchites,
epididymitis, heat stress, and inadequate feed. So this study aime to study
the effect of semen quality on repeatabOity and milk production of cows.
One hundred cows and 6 Bulls from a private farm (360 kms southern
Khartoum were kept examined for the following:
1. Brucella test: (Ring test).
2. Semen quality (Semen to be examined to recognize the viscosity, colour,
mortality, volume concentration and fertility).