A total of 823 weaned rabbits of Bauscat (B) and 561 of Baladi Red (BR) were
used to evaluate genetically their weaning and post-weaning growth performance
Weaning weight at four weeks, post-weaning body weights (BW) at 6, 8, 10, 12 and
14 weeks of age and weight gains (DG) at the intervals of 4-6, 6-8, 8—10,10-12. 12-14
and 4-14 weeks were studied. Means of body weight for Bauscat rabbits were to
some extent superior to Baladi Red for some growth traits. In general CV
Percentages of BW and DG traits decreased with advance of age Year of birth effect
was significant (P 50.05, P $0.010r P $0.001) on BW at 4, 10, 12 and 14 weeks of
age in B rabbits and at 4 and 8 weeks of age in BR ones. Year of birth effect on DG
was significant (P5005, PS0.01or P50 001) during the intervals of (6-8) and (4-14)
weeks of age in B rabbits, while during the intervals (4-6) weeks in BR rabbits
Season of birth had a significant (P 50.01or P SO 001)) effect on BW at 12 and
14weeks of age in B rabbits, and at 4 and 12 weeks of age in BR rabbits. Season of
birth was significant (P 50.05, P 50.01or P 50.001) effect on 06 during the intervals
(4-6), (10-12), (12-14) and (444) weeks in B rabbits. Body weights of rabbits was
found to differ significantly (P 50.05, P 50.010r P $0001) with parity effect at 4, 6,
and 12 weeks of age in B rabbits and (P $0001) at 4 weeks of age in BR rabbits
Differences in average DG due to parity effect were Significant (P $0.05 or P 50 001)
during the age intervals of (4-6) weeks of age in B rabbits and (6-8) weeks in BR
Sex effects on BW and DG of the two studied breeds were slight and not significant at
all ages studied. Litter Size at birth had a significant effect (P SO 05 or P $0001) at all
ages in B rabbits and at 4, 6, 8 and 14 weeks of age in BR rabbits. Litter size at birth
effects on DG were also significant (P £0.05, P 50 Otor P $0.001) during the gain-
intervals of (10-12) and (4-14) weeks in B rabbits and those interval of 6-8, 8-10 and
10-12 weeks in BR rabbits. Effects of breed group were non-significant on BW and
DG except that for D6 during interval of 810 weeks of age which was significant (P
$0.05). Sire effect was Significant (P £0.05, P $0.01or P $0001) on BW and DG at
different ages for both breeds. except BW at 14 weeks of age in B rabbits, while at 10
and 12 weeks of age in BR rabbits. For DG Sire effects were significant (P 50.05, P
$0,01or P 50 001) during the age intervals of (6-8) and (8-10) weeks in B rabbits, and
those of (6-8), (8-10), (10-12), (12-14) and (444) weeks intervals in BR rabbits
Variance components due to Slf'e effect were found to be higher for most traits studied
in BR than in B rabbits.
Estimates of heritability using Henderson ||| method for BW and D6 in BR
rabbits are in general, substantially higher Man in Bauscat rabbits.