The experimental work was conducted With two breeds of billy goats Baladi and
Zaraibi to evaluate semen characteristics. compare different packaging methods and
post thawing sperm recovery during incubation time. Artificial vagina was used to
colect twenty ejaculates (ten pooled ejaculates from each breed) to dESign three
experiments for each experimental breed The ejaculates showed progressive
motility over than 80.00 % were pooled and initial pooled ejaculate characteristics
were evaluated and extended with Tris-yolk-fructose (TYF) cryoprotective with 6%
glycerol The first experiment was carried out with unfrozen semen to estimate initial
semen characteristics (Jmotilily, live and normal) after collection, extension and
equilibration period at 5‘ C for 2 hours, The second experiment was conducted with
frozen semen to compare between efficiency of unconventional packaging methods
(aluminum sacks and cachet tablet strips) and conventional packaging methods
(straws and pellets on paraffin wax) to define the best post-thawing sperm
characteristics. The third experiment was to study the effect of incubation time at
37°C to 3 hrs on posi- thawing sperm motility and sperm recovery The results
recorded Significant (p < 0 01) effect between initial sperm characteristics in the first
experiment the mean of progressive motility after collection, extensmn, and
equilibration was 89 50 %. 88.50 °/o and 86.00 % for Baladi bucks however. for
Zaraibi bucks was 8600 %, 82.50 % and 80 50 9'0, respectively. In the second and
third experiments the results showed significant (p < 0.01) effect between packaging
methods and incubation periods on post-thawing sperm characteristics.
respectively. The post thawing sperm motility values for Baladi and Zaraibi bucks
were respectively with straws (56.00%) 54.50 °/o) and aluminum sacks (55.00%.
53 50 0/0) compare to tablets (50 50 %, 47 00 %) and pellets (45 50 “/0, 42.05 %).The
results showed that differences among breeds were not significant