Eighteen lactating buffaloes at the second lactation were used to
evaluate the effect of feeding rations contairihg raw or heated soyabean seeds oh
produclive and reproductive performance of buffaloes a‘. early lactation, The buffaloes
were assigned to three Similar groups (six animals each). The buffaloes were fed
ration containing similar ingredients with the same proportions of concentrate feed
mixture, berseem, yellow corn and rice strawt The control group received a ration
containing no supplementary soyabean the second group received rattoh containing
raw soyabean seeds (R38) and the third group received ration containing heated
soyabean seed (HSB)
The total mixed rations With added soyabean seeds (888) had higher content
of ethe extract {EE} and crud protein (OP); however, nitrogen free extract (NFEl ard
fatty acid (FA'sji were lower compared With the control ration The magnitude of
changes in body weight during the experimental period was greater in group had
rations containing either raw soyabean or treated soyabean than control group Both
R58 and H88 rations cause improvement of rumen parameters Feed ration
containing soyabean seeds improved circulating progesterone (Pt). cortisol and
prostaglandin (PG Ed) in blood These hormones caused safety parturition Added
soyabean seeds resulted in significantly (Pd) 05:; high of fat corrected rnilw. tFCiJ:
Milk fat percentage and yield, protein percentage and yield and total solids and yield
were higher With added soyabean seeds (888) to buffaloes rations. Added R88 or
HSB improved the reproductive performance of lactating buffaloes Number of service
per conception and days open were reduced Eating behavior ciear'y showed that
supplemented (583) had Significant (Pd: 05) effect or diurnal behavior activity of total
eating time and decrease ruminating time The total eating time and ruminating period
itKg DM intake expressed the greatest wher the buffaloes fed H88 followed by R88
Ration containing both raw or heated caused improvement of sexual behavior and a
good sings of estrus than control groups T'ie hormone pattern lcortsol and PG F;Cti
of treated groups was higher than that of control groups This profile eased
management at parturition and placenta fall-down As results of feed 888 to early
lactating buffalos. fed conversion and economical cost were improved The cost of
productng 10 Kg milk was reduced, reproductive traits were improved
Finally, fed R88 and H88 improved both the production and reproduction
performance of lactating buffaloes at early lactation, it is recommended to use R88 or
HSB as sources of fat and energy in early lactation of lactating buffaloes to reduce
loss of body weight and the negative effect of adding natural fat to the rations,
Abbreviations: RSB' Row soyabean - HSB: Heated soyabean - SNF solids not ‘at -
TS, Total solids — DMD: Dry matter degradability -TPN‘ True protein
nitrogen DO: Days open. 888‘ soyabean seeds (either heated or