Thirty buffalo calves averaging 175 kg live body weight and aged 12 months were
divided into 5 similar groups (8 animal in each) and randomly assigned to five rations
during the 1" period (growing period, first 185 day of experiment) as follows:
R1: 67% concentrate feed mixture (CFM) + 33% rice straw (RS), as a control ration.
R2: 52% CFM + 25% R8 + 23% berseem hay (BH).
R3: 41% CFM + 28% R8 + 23% SH + 8% ElvMufeed.
R4: 33% CFM + 14% R8 + 53% maize silage (MS).
R5: 22% CFM + 18% R8 + 54% MS + 8% EI-Mufeed.
During the 2"d period (finishing period) all animals in the different groups were fed
the same ration consisted of 57% CFM + 17% R8 + 20% MS + 8% El-Mufeed.
The obtained results indicated that inclusion of BH or MS with or without EI-
Mufeed increased digestion coefficients of all nutrients. However. the feeding values
presented as TDN and DE tended to increase. while DCP decreased as results of
inclusion of MS and El—Mufeed in the 4"1 and 5th rations. During the 1“ and whole
experimental periods. the highest daily TDN and DE and the lowest DCP intake
detected with feeding MS with or without El-Mufeed.
In the 1" period the average daily gain in the 2"“. 3'", 4‘", and 5h groups were
higher by 10.13. 13.92, 21.19 and 27.85% than the 1iit group. The overall means of
daily gain were higher in the 2“". 3'“, 4‘" and 5“1 groups than the control group by 3.49,
8.98. 11.63 and 16.28% respectively.
The better feed and economic efficiency during 1"t and whole experimental
periods were attained by calves fed MS with or without El-Mufeed followed by those
fed BH with or without El-Mufeed. while the control ration showed the lowest feed
There were significant differences in fasting body weight, hot carcass weight,
boneless meat weight and boneless meat to bone ratio. color intensity and moisture
capacity. ether extract and ash contents, while dressing percentage, physical
characteristics and protein content were nearly similar for the different experimental