A total of one hundred eighty, 40 weeks old from both Dandarawi and Hy-line strains were used in this experiment. Birds within each strain were subdivided into two groups. The first group was maintained under the prevailing conditions in Assiut governorate (subtropical conditions with a temperature between 40-45°C) and considered as control, while the other one was kept under improved temperature (18-24ºC). Hens were housed individually in laying hen batteries and feed and water were available ad.lib. Egg production as well as feed consumption was recorded daily throughout the experimental period (three periods, 28 days each). At the end of the experiment, birds were sorted according to their laying
cycles into four categories; O for ovulation only; OL for ovulation and oviposition , L for oviposition only and X for neither ovulation nor oviposition. Finally, daily feed consumption was calculated and correlated with the reproductive status.
In general, the result showed significant difference (P<0.0001) in feed consumption between strains, where the Dandarawi consumed more feed (126.9 g/day) than the Hy-line strain (116.2 g/day). No significant difference was found between the control and the treatment; however, birds that were kept under the prevailing conditions from both groups consumed less feed (120.3 g/day) than the other one (122.8 g/day). The amount of feed consumption in relation to the reproductive activity showed significant differences (P<0.001) in both strains. In conclusion, feed consumption is affected by high temperature and egg formation in the female reproductive cycle.