A total number of 15 bucks (3 per treatment) and 40 does black Balady rabbits was utilized to study the effect of substitution of soybean meal protein (44%) by soaked linseed meal protein SLSMP (26.26%) at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% on productive and reproductive performance and some blood constituents. In this experiment, live body weight (LBW) of rabbit does at partum and weaning did not differ significantly for all groups except for group fed 100% SLSMP which had the worst value (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively). Body weight of bunny (g) at birth, 21 day and 35 day of age showed the same trend. Group fed 50% SLSMP consumed more feed significantly (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively) than other treatments at gestation and lactation periods, this group had more milk yield (MY) which caused the best feed efficiency ratio (MY(g/d) / feed intake FI (g/d) ) (P<0.001). Mortality rat from birth to weaning was significantly (P<0.01) lower at the same level than other groups. Increasing the level SLSMP up to 75 and 100% instead of soybean meal decreased milk yield significantly (P<0.01). It was observed that the highest values of MY g/day was recorded at 3 weeks of lactation period for all treatments especially those fed 50% SLSMP which average 142.2 g/day. Increasing the level of SLSMP up to 75 and 100% decreased significantly (P<0.001) crude protein CP, fat, lactose (Lac), total solids (TS) and solid non fat (SNF) of milk. Mean while at the end of lactation period CP, fat, TS and SNF increased significantly (P<0.001), however Lac percent was decreased. Increasing the level of l SLSMP did not affect plasma total protein (g/dl), albumen (g/dl), globulin (g/dl), GOT (IU/L), GPT (IU/L) and urea-N (mg/dl) but increased triglyceride (mg/dl), cholesterol (mg/dl) and creatinine (mg/dl) level significantly (P<0.001). From the nutritional and economical point of view, SLSMP may be used up to 50% of soybean meal protein rabbit diets without adverse affect on reproductive performance and biochemical constituting blood plasma.
It is interesting to not that the optimal level of SLSMP is 11% of dietary composition or 50% of SBMP which improved reproductive performance of rabbit does during pregnancy, lactation periods and minimal mortality of pups, however from economical points of 25% SLSMP or 5.6% of dietary composition could be used successfully and safely in feeding rabbit does without adverse effect on performance of rabbit does.