This study was carried out to study the effects of replacement of barley radicel (B.R) by 15 and 30 % from concentrate feed mixture (CFM) on digestibility of various nutrients using Rahmany rams and its effect on milk yield of fifteen lactating Demascus goats.
Three digestibility trials were carried out using three adult Rahmany rams about three years old and averaging 60 kg to evaluate the flowing rations:
Control ration (C): 70 % concentrate feed mixture (CFM) + 30 % rice straw (RS).
1st tested ration (T1): [55 % CFM + 30%RS + 15 % barely radicel (BR)].
2nd tested ration (T2): [40 % CFM + 30%RS + 30 % barely radicel (BR)].
Also the effect of the three experimental rations on milk yield through 16 weeks were studied by lactating goats.
The obtained results of the digestibility trials showed that, the CP and CF digestibility of ration T2 were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of C and T1 rations . While no significantly differences of DM, OM, EE and NFE among the three rations (C, T1 and T2).
In the feeding trials, data indicated that, the total or daily DM intake decreased with increasing radicel replacement (0, 15 and 30 %), yet the weekly milk yield was higher for rations T1 and T2 than for control one.
Milk constituents (T.S., SNF, fat, protein, lactose and ash) of lactating Demascus goats fed C, T1 and T2 rations were not significant.
Economical efficiency and return were the best for goats fed the rations contained radicel (T1 and T2).