This study aimed at investigating the effect preservation time (0, 24, 48 and 72 hours) on physical characteristics, activity of transaminases (AST and ALT) in seminal plasma as well as fertility of semen collected from two strains (Gimmizah and Sinai). Eighty males (38 wk of age) were used in this study (40 males of each strain), they divided into four experimental groups (10 males/group) and hundred females from each strain at the same previous age were divided into four groups (25 females per group). Semen was collected from each group of males day by day at the same time of insemination and diluted with semen extender (1:1) at 37°C in water bath in the poultry house. Semen of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups was preserved at 5°C for 24, 48 and 72 hours, respectively. While, semen of the 4th group was directly used for insemination. Results indicated that semen of Gimmizah cocks had significantly higher percentages of sperm motility and live spermatozoa. However, Sinai strain was significantly better in early embryonic mortality, late dead embryos and unhatched eggs with live or dead embryos. Lengthening storage time significantly (P<0.05) decreased fertility and semen characteristics and increased all traits of embryonic mortality, activity of AST and ALT. The interaction between strain and cooling period had significant effects on the rate of late dead embryos, unhatched eggs with piped dead embryos and all semen characteristics.