The objective of this study was to determine the various dietary levels of selenium (Se) as sodium selenate (Na2 Se O4) and its relation with adaptability of sheep. This study was carried out at Ras Suder (South Sinai Governorate) experimental station using eighteen weaned Barki ram lambs (4 months age and 13.81±1.60 kg average body weight) assigned to three groups (6 each).
Data showed that dry matter, crude protein of alfalfa treated with Se in treatment groups (G2, 0.7 ppm of Se and G3, 1.4 ppm of Se) were greater than those of the untreated group (G1). The body weight changes and average daily gain in G2 and G3 were higher than control (G1) while the opposite trend was obtained for feed efficiency. Contents of CF, Se and Cu in G2 and G3 were higher than G1. Retention of Se, Cu and p were improved specially for copper.
Average daily gain (ADG) of lambs recorded comparable values without significant differences for groups. The values ranged from 65.3 in G3 to 79.8 g/head/day in G2. Concentrations of albumin and activities of Alk Phos, AST, ALT, GGT, and CPK in serum collected at the termination of the experiment.
Selenium supplementation resulted significantly (P<0.05) for percentage yield of clean wool, staple strength and point of break. The mean values of staple strength in G2 and G3 were higher (p < 0.05) than that of G1. Manipulation of dietary selenium source and level is an effective way to change the selenium content of animal tissues commonly consumed by mankind and improvement adaptability of sheep < /p>