This study was carried out to estimation of tops and roots yields and tops yield / roots yield ratio of some sugar beet varieties in different types of soils(clay and sandy) and chemical evaluation for some minerals, oxalate and amino acids contents of sugar beet by-products (sugar beet tops, dried sugar beet pulp and sugar beet molasses). Also the effect of drying method in chemical composition, fiber fraction, oxalate (total and soluble) contents and their loss in fresh sugar beet tops (FSBT) varieties was studied.
Nine sugar beet varieties were used in this experiment namely Teri, Ras poly, Athos poly, Sultan, Pleno, Gloria, Kawemira, Top, and Dema poly, and planted on three different followed dates of sowing (15 th August, 15 th September and 15 th October) in different types of soils (clay and sandy).
The results indicated that overall mean of SBR and SBT yields as ton/fed., kg/plant and root/tops (R/T) ratio, were 23.66 and 13.82 ton/fed.; 0.49 and 0.85 kg/plant and 1.7, respectively. As affected by soil type, yield of SBR and SBT was higher in clay than in sandy soil in term of ton/fed and kg/plant. The differences in content of DM, OM, CF, EE, NFE, ash, ADL, hemicellulose and gross energy among different SBT varieties were not significant, ranging between 11.86-13.17%; 77.80-81.34%; 13.57-14.36%; 0.93-1.21%; 46.22-51.13%; 18.74-22.20%; 1.77-2.23%; 9.80-13.99% and 15.04- 15.55%, respectively.while, CP, ADF and cellulose content showed significantly (P<0.05) differences between tested varieties.
Ras poly variety showed significantly (P<0.05) the highest P content and the lowest Mg content. Glorius variety showed significantly (P<0.05) the lowest contents of Na and Fe. Sultan variety had significantly (P<0.05) the lowest Ca and Mn contents. Pleno showed significantly the lowest P and K contents and the the highest Zn content.
DSBP and molasses had lower contents of total and soluble oxalate and lower Na, K, Fe, Cu, Zn contents than that in FSBT. While, Fe content was the highest only in molasses, being 2083 mg/kg.
Total content of essential amino acids in DSBP and molasses was lower than that in SBT, being the lowest in molasses (9.17 mg/100 g).
Chemical analysis of SBT as affected by drying was significantly (P<0.05) different only for OM, CP, ash, ADF, ADL, total oxalate, soluble oxalate, and gross energy.The higher loss by both drying methods of SBT was found in soluble oxalate, followed by ash and CP and the lowest for NFE. This loss was almost higher significantly in SDSBT than in HDSBT.