Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of using jojoba meal in ration on growing lambs performance. The first experiment was carried out to determine the in vitro disappearance of dry and organic matter (IVDMD and IVOMD) of the different experimental concentrates containing different levels of jojoba meal from 0 to 24% instead of undecorticated cottonseed meal.Depending on the results of first experiment 20 growing Rahmany lambs (about 6 mouths old and 21kg body weight) were used to evaluate the effect of feeding jojoba rations on the growth performance. Animals were randomly assigned into 4 similar feeding groups (5 animals each) to fed one of the experimental rations, all rations consisted of 50% roughage (25% clover hay + 25% rice straw) and 50% concentrate feed mixture (CFM) without jojoba meal (R1, control), 3% jojoba meal (R2), 6% jojoba meal (R3) or 9% jojoba meal (R4).
Rations were formulated to cover maintenance and growth requirements of the growing lambs according to NRC, 1994. At the end of feeding trial nutrients digestibility, blood, rumen and carcass treats were be carried out.
Results of second experiment indicated that the digestibility of DM, OM, CP, EE, NFE and nutritive value expressed as TDN decreased (P<0.05) with increasing the level of jojoba meal in the rations, except CF digestibility and nutritive value expressed as DCP of lambs fed R4 recorded higher values (P<0.05) than the other rations. Also, animals fed R4 recorded higher (P<0.05) values of blood serum albumin and globulin, feed efficiency expressed as kg DM, TDN and DCP /kg gain among the other groups. On the other hand total protein, GPT and GOT concentration, ruminal pH values and DCP intake were not significantly (P<0.05) affected by the jojoba meal levels.
Lambs received R1 and R2 showed higher (P<0.05) albumin/ globulin ratio, NH3-N, weight gain, feed intake expressed as DM or TDN, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, rumen full and empty, pelt, tail weight separable fat, meat and fat in carcass compared with those in other rations . Carcass characteristics of lambs were significantly less (P<0.05) affected by addition of jojoba meal to rations.
Conclusively, it could be recommended that replacing undecorticated cottonseed meal with jojoba meal (till 9%) in growing lambs rations seems to be the best for good performance and economic efficiency.