An experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of dietary tripeptide glutamate (reduced glutathione (GSH)) as antioxidant, tafla (TF), and hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) as sorbent materials to prevent aflatoxicosis in laying hens. A total number of 371 (350 laying hens+21 cocks) thirty-wk's old El-Salam chickens were randomly divided into 7 groups; each group included 5 replicates of 10 hens each and reared in metallic batteries. The remaining 21 cocks were also divided into 7 groups of 3 cocks each and housed separately for semen collection. Birds were fed practical corn-soybean meal basal diet with or without 1 ppm aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) alone or plus either 5ppm GSH, 0.6% TF, 0.5% HSCAS, 0.6% TF+5ppm GSH or 0.5% HSCAS+ 5ppm GSH to form 7 diets fed from 30 to 38 wks old.Results show that contamination of basal diet with 1 ppm AFB1 for 8 wks decreased (P<.01) feed intake (25.1%), egg production (42.8%), egg weight (22.3%), shell thickness (32.6%), fertility (21.9%), hatchability of fertile eggs (20%), economic efficiency (EE,38.5%), liver vitamin A (29.1%), blood hemoglobin (35.6%), serum albumin (68%) and total lipids (51%), increased relative liver weight (138.8%), liver lipids (141.9%), blood total leucocytes (WBC's) (28%) and lymphocytes (27.2%) counts, serum enzymatic activities of AST (64%) and ALT (69%), and deposited AFB1 residues in livers (68 ng/g), egg yolk (52 ng/g) and muscles (36 ng/g) compared to the controls. Adding TF or HSCAS separately into AF diet recorded similar protection effects averaged 45-56% against aflatoxicosis for the studied traits. Including GSH alone into the AF diet resulted in a littleprotective effects against AF diet for the all studied traits, except AST and ALT activities that showed a significant protective effect (20-28%). However, GSH together with sorbent materials significantly negated the adverse effects of AF diet for all studied traits and improved EE by 81% for TF+GSH and 75% for HSCAS+GSH compared to AF-diet alone. There was mortality only in the both two groups fed basal diet with AFB1 alone (10%) and AFB1+GSH (6%). The present study revealed that TF (available product) presented similar safety protective effect for studied traits and EE as HSCAS (import product). Adding GSH as antioxidant together with TF or HSCAS, to AFB1 contaminated diet significantly negated aflatoxicosis in the laying hens.