Two methods were used to assess six rations Linear Program Model (LPM) and actual feeding trials (validation). The six rations tested by LPM represented as six scenarios; three winter scenarios WS1 (control) (Egyptian clover + concentrate mixture + rice straw), scenario 2 (WS2) where ration had two constrains using corn silage and Egyptian clover at the rate of 6 kg and 10 kg daily, respectively, plus concentrate mixture and rice straw ad-libitum. Scenario 3 (WS3) was the same as WS2 but constrain was to double corn silage quantity. The three summer scenarios were: Scenario 4 (SS4 control) (Egyptian clover hay + concentrate mixture + rice straw), Scenario 5 (SS5) had two constrains use Egyptian clover silage and corn silage at the rate of 5 kg daily plus concentrate mixture and ad-libitum rice straw. Scenario 6 (SS6) was as the same as SS5 with the only constrain to replace the corn silage by 5 kg sugar beet tops silage. All rations had to cover the feed requirements of 1 kg daily gain according NRC. Extra revenues realized for winter were L.E. 2.50 and 3.10 for WS2 and WS3 compared to WS1. Summer results showed increase in farm revenue of L.E. 1.44 and 0.78, for SS5 and SS6 compared to SS4.
The previous winter or summer six scenarios that evaluated by LPM were reevaluated by real feeding trials on Friesian fattening calves as six rations with the same feeding packages. All rations had to cover the feed requirements of 1 kg daily gain according NRC. Extra revenues realized for winter rations were L.E. 2.33 and 1.37/head/day for two winter groups (WG2) and WG3 compared to WG1 respectively. The summer rations showed increase in farm revenue of L.E. 2.16 and 2.26/head/day for SG5 and SG5 compared to SG4 respectively. It could be concluded that using feeding packages in animal feeding can reduce feeding costs and improve the fattening farm revenue.