Twenty five males and 75 hens from Matrouh chicken strain at 32 weeks of age were kept as basic generation. Offspring produced from eggs of the base generation were termed as first generation (150 chicks represented each sex ) . Upon reaching twelve weeks of age, male and female birds were weighed individually and classified into three groups according to their shank lengths (SL). The classification of male SL was 5.0 – 5.9 cm for short group, 6.0 - 8.4 cm for medium group and >8.4 cm for long SL one. Also, females were classified for SL as follows (4.5 – 5.5 cm as a short group, 5.6 – 7.4 cm as medium group and > 7.4 cm as a long one). The birds were weighed individually with 0.01 g precision at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32,36 and 38 wks of age. A total of 30 Matrouh birds (males and females) representing 10 birds for each SL group were slaughtered at 16 wks of age for detection calcium and phosphorus concen-trations in the blood and bone. Also carcass traits were determined for the same birds. The age of sexual maturity was determined. Egg weight, egg mass, and egg production percentage for each SL groups were determined through different laying periods (22-38 wks of age). At 38 wks of age, blood samples were collected from the wing veins for detection of total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), globulin (GLB), ALP/GLB ratio, calcium, phosphorus and cholesterol concentrations.
Obtained results are summarized as follows:
Birds of long SL for Matrouh males and females represented heavier (P<0.05) weights compared with that of short SL among all experimental ages.
Age at sexual maturity was significantly delayed for Matrouh hens with short SL compared with those for medium and long ones.
Hens with short SL produced (P<0.05) less percentage of egg production compared with those for other SL groups throughout all experimental periods.
Generally, egg weight and egg mass were not statistically influenced by SL through all experimental periods between 22 - 38 wks of age except that between 27 - 30 wks of age for egg weight and between 31 - 34 wks of age for egg mass.
Long SL group at 16 wks of age represented significant increase of plasma calcium concentration compared to medium and short one for both sexes except that there was no significant difference between long and medium ones for females.
Moreover, plasma phosphorus did not represent any significant difference between SL groups.
Bone calcium and phosphorus at 16 wks of age did not represent any significant differences between SL groups for males and females except that for phosphorus in females.
Long SL for males and females represented highest significant values of live body weight and empty carcass percentages compared with medium and short ones.