This work was carried out on dairy goats to investigate the effect of partially replacing CFM protein by Sesbania sesban seeds on milk production, feed conversion efficiency and some blood constituents as well as economic efficiency. Twenty five dairy goats wereIdivided into 5 groups (5 does each). The controlIgroup (G1) was fed a rationIconsisting ofIconcentrate feedImixture and cornIsilage (50:50) accordingIto NRC (1981) recommendation. Sesbania sesban seeds (SS) wereIused toIreplace 10 and 20% of concentrate's protein for groups G2 and G3, respectively. SesbaniaIseeds wereItreated (TSS) by soaking and roastingIand used at theIsame levels (10 and 20%) in G4 and G5, respectively. The feedingItrails lasted for 14 weeks after weaning. The obtainedIresults showed thatIthe daily dryImatter intake tendedIto decrease as a result toIsubstitution of concentrate feedImixture with SesbaniaIseeds in rationsIof dairyIgoats. On the contrary, the daily water consumption as ml/g DM intakeIwas noticeablyIhigher (3.50, 3.64, 3.67 and 3.81) with SesbaniaIseeds rations (G2, G3, G4 and G5, respectively) comparedIwith control (G1, 3.14). The effectIof the testedIrations onIruminal pH values was not significant. Ruminal NH3 concentration post-feeding tended to decrease as a result to using of Sesbania seeds especially G4 and G5. But, ruminalItotal VFA's concentrations post-feeding were significantly with G4 compared with G1 and G3. Moreover, ruminal microbial protein content at 2 and 4 hrs. post-feeding was significantly affected as a result of using of Sesbania seeds in goats rations and the bestIvalue was recordedIwith G4.. The obtained results showed that there is significant effects on some blood parameters ( hemoglobin, MCHC, lymphocyts, platelets count, globulin and enzymatic activites) due to using the tested rations. Concerning milk production, the obtained data indicated that the highest value of daily milk yield was recorded with G4 (1.70 kg) followed by G5 (1.67 kg) then G2 (1.59 kg) and G1 (1.56 kg) while theIlowest value (1.499 kg) was recorded with G3 and the differencesIwere significant. The effectsIof experimental rationsIon milk constituents were not significant. The feed conversion efficiency, based on DM was better with G5 (0.904) then G4 (0.911) followedIby G2 and G3 (0.971 and 1.009, respectively) and lastly G1 (1.015). Therefore, the economic efficiency was improved by 9.25, 10.17, 16.31 and 22.81% with Sesbania seeds rations (G2, G3, G4, and G5, respectively) compared with control (G1). It isIconcluded that partialIreplasment of up to 20% of CFM protein by SesbaniaIseeds has someIpositive effectsIon metabolicIparameters, whichIreflected on the dairyIgoats performance andIeconomicIefficiency.