This experiment was carried out to study the effect of a new variety of hybrid El-Ryanah maize x El-Shamia maize as silage alone or mixture with berseem (1:1) on milk production ,milk constituents, rumen microorganisms , hematological parameters and economic efficiency by lactating zaribi goats .Twenty four lactating zaribi goats 30 month old and weighed 40.93±0.36 kg were divided into three similar groups and randomly assigned to three experimental diets. Animals in all groups were fed a concentrate feed mixtures(CFM) to cover 50 % of protein diet according to (NRC,1989) requirement. Addition to ad libitum supplement of hybrid maize silage alone or mixtures with berseem , where 100 % berseem silage was offered to group1 (T1) ,100 % hybrid maize silage for group 2 (T2) and 50 % berseem silage+50% hybrid maize silage for group3 (T3). The experiment lasted for 120 days (Lactating period).The results obtained indicated that (T2) characterized by high OM , CP and NFE % and low of DM , EE , CF and Ash % than those of T1 and T3 rations .While ,mixture of hybrid maize and berseem silage (T3) generally had higher values of DM and Ash . At the same time, T1 ration recorded higher values of EE and CF and lower values of NFE % than those of T2 ration .However, data of fiber fractions clearly showed that T1 ration had higher values of NDF, ADF, celluloses and ADL ( 31.5 , 23.7 , 8.20 and 15.50 % respectively). Moreover, the concentration of fiber and fiber fractions were negatively related to quality because forages had higher fiber and less available energy and are consumed with a few amounts by goats than that with low fiber content. Meanwhile , the average DM as g/kg BW or w0.75 decreased with T2 (38.2.and 97.1) compared with T1 (39.9 and 101.5) and T3 (4.16 and 105.3 respectively) .Feed conversion as DM and CP(intake / kg milk yield) were better with T2 (1.14 and 237 ) and T1(1.43 and 245 ) compared with T3 (1.34 and 239 respectively).Whereas, digestion coefficients of T2 ration recorded significantly (p>0.05) the highest digestibility coefficients of CP , CF , EE , NFE and GE ( 76.94 , 64.91 ,74.82 ,74.13 and 66.25 respectively) while , T3 had higher values of DM , OMand lower of CP, EE, CF and GE ( 70.62 ,74.32, 74.91, 61.88, 72.94 , 72.24 and 64.17 respectively) and the lowest values had detected with T1 ration ( 68.97,71.37 , 75.28 , 63.17 , 72.56 , 71.61and 63.31 respectively ) . As milk yield , the results showed that the higher actual daily milk yield (ADMY) and 4% fat corrected milk yield (FCMY)were obtained with of dairy zaribi goats fed tested rations T2 (1.390 , 1.350 kg /d respectively ) than of those fed T1(1.168,1.119 kg/d ,respectively) and the lowest values were recorded with T3 ration (1.274 and 1.206 respectively). Moreover,T2 ration were significantly (p>0.05) increase of fat , total solid, total nitrogen, lactose and Net Energy (3.81 ,13.40 , 7.30 ,5.31 and 1.60 respectively), but it recorded the lowest values with % protein and solid nonfat (3.38 and 9.59 respectively) than those of other experimental treatments . Blood hematology explain that T3 ration had the lowest values of RBC, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH , MCHC , total protein , globulin , serum glucose and urea-N comparison of T1 and T2 rations. In addition, the results of economic efficiency were clearly that goats fed T2 ration had the highest value ( 12.03 %) and T3 ration ( 6.65) , whereas T1 ration had the lowest value.