This study amid to investigate the effect of dipping fertile Domyati duck eggs contained different glucose solutions (0.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0%) and two dipping times (3 and 6 minutes) at the 24th day of incubation period on hatchability traits, duckling's quality and some blood parameters as well as subsequent growth performance of hatched ducklings and economic efficiency. A total number of 432 fertile eggs of Domyati duck at the 24th day of incubation period were distributed into eight experimental groups, each of three replicates in a factorial design (4 x 2). At the end of the 28th day of incubation period dead embryos, unhatched eggs, culled and healthy hatched ducklings were counted as well as hatched ducklings' length (cm) and weight (g) were recorded. Hatched ducklings of each experimental group were divided into three replicates and reared till 21 days of age to study the effect on subsequent growth performance and economic efficiency. Hatchability of fertile eggs was insignificantly improved by about 9.47 % of eggs dipped into 10.0% glucose solution as compared with those dipped into 0.0% glucose solution, while it was significantly decreased by dipping eggs into 15.0%glucose solution. Dead embryos (%) was insignificantly decreased by dipping eggs into 10.0%glucose solution than those dipped into 0.0% glucose solution only. Moreover, no significant changes in hatched weight, duckling's length (cm) and culled ducklings (%) due to dipping eggs into different glucose solutions. Dipping time of eggs had no significant effects on all studied hatching traits, while interaction between glucose solution and dipping time had significant effects on dead embryos, unhatched eggs and hatchability (%). Serum cholesterol level was significantly decreased in hatched ducklings produced from eggs dipped into 5.0 and 15.0% glucose solution comparing with those dipped into 0.0 and 10.0% glucose solutions at hatch. Dipping time of eggs had no significant effects on all studied blood parameters, while interaction between glucose solution and dipping time had significant effects on blood glucose and cholesterol. All studied growth performance traits were significantly affected due to dipping eggs into different glucose solutions, and the interaction between glucose solutions and dipping time except of FCR for hatched ducklings during the whole experimental period. Performance index recorded the best value of ducklings produced from eggs dipped into 10.0% glucose solution for 3 minutes (G5) than other interaction during the period of 1-21 days of age. No significant differences were recorded in relative weights of different carcass parts at hatch and 21 day of age except of liver at 21 day of age. Ducklings produced from eggs dipped into 10.0% glucose solution for 3 minutes (G5) recorded the best net return and economic efficiency than other interactions. It was concluded that dipping fertile Domyati duck eggs into 10.0% glucose solution for 3 minutes at the 24th day of incubation period could be used for improving hatchability, growth performance, net return and economic efficiency.