All number of 75 Sinai cocks, 24- wks- old were, divided into five experimental groups to investigate the effect of adding bee bread (BB) as growth promoter and antioxidant materials to the diet at different levels (0.0 , 0.5 , 1.00 and 1.50 g / kg diet) as well as a group supplemented with 250 mg ascorbic acid/kg as a positive control (PC) on semen quality, fertilizing ability and hatchability as well as some physiological measurements through the experimental period (24-40 wk of age). The results indicated that, adding or the different levels of BB or had a significant improve in sperm concentration,and percentage of motility, and decrease of abnormal sperm percentage in semen. Seminal plasma was not significantly influenced, whereas LDL. cholesterol significantly lowered by adding 1.0 g BB/kg diet comparing with the basal diet. Fertility percentage was significantly increased for the group fed 1.0 g BB/kg diet than the control group. Early embryonic mortality , late embryonic mortality and total embryonic mortality values were significantly lower for the groups fed BB diets as comparing with those fed the basal diet. White blood cells counts was insignificantly improved for cocks fed BB diets as comparing with those fed the basal diet. The studied serum constituents (T. protein , albumin &globulin ) for cocks fed BB diets were insignificantly affected except for A/G ratio.. It is concluded that BB adding to diets could improve the reproductive performance of Sinai cocks.