A total number of two hundred twenty hybred rabbits with an initial live body weight, 751.8±22.4 g at 33 days of age, were allotted at random to four similar experimental groups (55 rabbits each). All rabbits were fed similar concentrate feed mixture (CFM) pelleted diet (16.72% crude protein and 13.07% crude fiber on average.). The first group (D11, control) free additive (NMJ), while groups (D2, D3and D4)were supplemented with1, 2 and 3 ml natural mixture juice (NMJ)/ L.of garlic, onion and lemon filter drinking water, respectively. The feeding trail extended for 4 weeks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of natural mixture of garlic, onion and lemon juice as feed additive on daily feed intake and weight gain, feed conversion ratio and efficiency, dressing percentage and internal organs weight and post weaning mortality rate of growing rabbits.
Results indicated that, daily feed intake of rabbits increased significantly (P<0.05) by increasing NMJ in filter drinking water. Also, introducing different levels of (NMJ) significantly increased daily weight gain . Rabbits recieved 3 ml/L, 2 ml/L or 1 ml/L grew faster than control, respectively. Final body weight of rabbits supplemented with 2 and 3 ml/L (NMJ) recorded thehighest values than those supplemented with 1 ml /L (NMJ) or control diets through the 4 weeks of the experiment. There were significant (P<0.05) differences among treatments in feed conversion ratio through the first 3 weeks ( Table 4 ). A relatively low mortility rate (10.90 and 12.73%) was observed in rabbits with adding 3 and 2 ml/L (NMJ) in filter drinking water, while rabbits of control recorded the highest mortality rates (21.818%) during the whole experimental period. Hot carcass weight and dressing percentages were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the 1, 2 and 3 ML/L natural juice of (NMJ) groups than those of the control group. For the microbiological quality of used additive to drinking filter water,the increasing level of supplementation decreased aerobic bacterial, coliform; feacal coliform; enterobacteria; yeast and fungi counts while E.coli wasnotdetected.It could be concluded that supplemention of natural mixture juice of garlic,onion and lemon(NMJ) up to 3ml /L in the filter drinking water of hybred rabbits had good results without adverse effects on growth performance.