This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of substitution with fennel seed meal (FSM)instead of clover hay in rabbit diets supplemented without or with enzyme mixture(Natuzy meat rate of 0.35 g/ kg diet)on growing rabbit performance, digestion coefficient, carcass traits, blood parameters and economic efficiency. Seventy five APRI weaned rabbits (six weeks old, with average initial weight 697.7 ± 11.20 g)were randomly assigned to five groups, each had 5 replicates of 3 rabbits. The growth trail lasted for 8 weeks. Experimental diets were as follows; 1- A control, 2 and 3 were 20% and 40% FSM instead of clover hay without enzyme mixture,4 and 520% or 40% FSM instead of clover hay with enzyme( Natuzy meat rate of 0.35 g/ kg diet), respectively.
Results could be summarized as follows:
1- Final body weight, daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio were not differed significantly between the control and 20 or 40% FSM with enzyme. Also, increasing FSM level of the diet without enzyme supplementation results in gradual decrease in values of the corresponding variables, as well as, carcass and dressing percentages. Daily feed intake was not significantly affected by dietary treatments. Feed conversion was significantly improved with feeding rabbits on control and FSM with enzyme diets compared with those fed 40% FSM without enzyme. Digestion coefficients of crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, nitrogen free extract and nutritive value in terms of DCP, TDN and DE did not significantly differed between the control and 20 or 40 % FSM with enzyme diets.
2- Serum total protein, albumin and creatinine values did not significantly differed between groups. However, values of serum globulin, AST, ALT and total cholesterol were significantly affected by dietary treatments without clear trend. However, the control group consistently gave higher values.
3- Net monetary return was increased with feeding rabbits on diets containing fennel seed meal (FSM) with enzyme.
Conclusively, it is concluded that fennel seed meal can be used in growing rabbit diets up to 10.8% of the diet (40% replacement from clover hay) with Natuzyme fortified enzyme to reduce feed costs without adverse effects on growth performance of rabbits.