The study aimsmainly at recognizing farmersmodernization levels andhis farms
,the agriculture modernization in two Egyptian villages, differing between the
modernization levels in the two villages , and recognizing the relationship between the
modernization levels and some farmers personal variables
The study was implemented in higher two villages which the farmed lands. the
first village was in Sharkia governorate , and second was in Sohag governorate , a through
a sample of 100 respondents from every village sum up to the size of study sample of 200
respondents. The data were collected by questionnairewith personal interviewin June and
July 2009. The important results of the study revealed that:
1) Only 28%of the respondents farmers keepswith high degree on agriculture lands himfrom
the broking in characters , only 7% economize with high degree in water using and only
13.5%utilizewith high degree of their agricultural residuals .
2) 26.5%of the respondents farmers have a very high desire of migration to urban areas .
3) Only 7%of the respondents had ahighmodernizationagricultural level (farmer and farms)
is high , and 51.5% had moderate agricultural the agricultural modernization was
moderate, and 41.5%had a lowagriculturemodernization was low.
4) Found a positive moral correlation between the farmers modernization levels as a
personals and (keeping on the agriculture lands of broking , economize the water using ,
utilize with the agriculture residuals , and seeing to education as a value .
The study recommendations were a necessary treatment to the negative effects of the
agriculturalmodernization of the environment , that iswithmaking programs to changethe
farmers attitudes and behaviors for useful fromthe agricultural residuals , and economize
the water using , and keeping the agriculture lands.