The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of some managerial factors (storage of temperature and periods, as well as, covering system of eggs) on egg quality, chemical analysis of eggs, lose weight of eggs and hatchability, as well as, economical efficiency in laying Inshas hens at 42 weeks of age. A total number of 2052 eggs were obtained from Inshas hens as local strain 114 eggs in each treatment group. A factorial design was used (3 storage periods for 1, 4 or 7days (d) x 3 degree of temperature storage at 5°C, 16°C and at26°C x 3 covering system for without or covered by plastic layer in this study.
The obtainedresults showed that increasing the storage period and temperature caused to decrease significantly (P< 0.05 and P<0.01) each of albumen%, Haugh units (HU), yolk index, moisture, ether extract, ash, crude protein, fertility and hatchability, while yolk%, lose weight of eggs, mortality of embryos at 11-18 and at 19-21 d. at increased significantly (P <0.05 and P<0.01) for eggs stored at 7 days or at 26oC. Covering system eggs by plastic layer was the best than non- covered.
Interaction between stored periods, temperature storage and covering system showed that values of albumen weight %, shell weight %, HU, yolk index, chemical analysis of eggs in each of moisture, ether extract, ash, crude protein, as well as, fertility and hatchability (%)were decreased significantly (P< 0.05 and P<0.01) at storage period of eggs (7 d.) on temperature storage (26oc) without covering as compared with other treatments, while yolk %, lose weight of eggs % and mortality rate of embryos at 11-18 or at 19-21d. of incubation. were increased significantly (P< 0.05 and P<0.01).
The results of the present study indicated that eggs from laying hens had significant deterioration of internal quality with increasing storage of eggs period and temperature.
The results suggest that egg weight lose%, egg quality and hatchability as influenced by the storage eggs of period & temperature level and covering system of eggs from hens.