This study aimed to identify attitudes of Bedouin youth graduates form both sex towards the self-employment in the study area and know the relation between the respondents characteristics and their attitudes towards the culture of self-employment, for determining the significance differences among them and find out the most important problems which face the youth to adopt the culture of the self-employment and suggestions overcome them. The study depend on social survey method using analytical descriptive studies. The regular students in faculty of education and on verge graduation were taken in Matrouh as studied sample. A simple random sample was taken of 170 students representing 25% of the total student number (676) by using the pre tested questionnaire to collect data after test. A number of statistical analysis tools were utilized such as collecting data, simple tables, frequencies, percentages, averages, person correlation coefficient, step wise multiple regression and T test. The results were as following: about 19.41%, 50.59 and 30% of the total respondents have negative, neutral attitudes and positive respectively towards the self-employment respectively. Person factor showed a positive significant relation (0.01) between respondents and all other studied independent variables such as looking for future after graduation, number of family members, fathers work, income, possessing of agricultural land, attitudes towards savings, cultural openness, the individual and family improvement, family possessing of small enterprises, satisfaction of projects, the university role in the formation of youth, common social values. A non significant relation was found between respondents attitudes and independent variable (current academic year). The results also showed that, there were 8 independent variables with significance in variance to explain in descending 72.60% of the respondents attitudes, social values role, possessing of agricultural land, looking for future after graduation, fathers work, individual and family improvement, satisfaction of small enterprises, cultural openness. A significance differences were found for males as compared with females according to the self-employment.