This study aimed to identify the basic features of Bedouins social stratification and essential differences for Bedouins and identify the factors and relative distinguish patterns for this community. The study was conducted in for (Shalaten- Abo Ramad- Halayieb) with random sample of male headed household representing 512 member with 10% of total family members, collecting data by pre tested questionnaire by personal interview with 3 styles: reputational , personal and topic style to estimate the main features of social stratification and also estimate the variance between values o social classes and data analysis using some statistical methods such as replicates, percentages, T scores, Z scores, ANOVA, simple correlation, Step Wise Multiple Regression. The results were showed that, the reputational style was used to classify the categories according to their social leadership positions with 88.09, 5.27 and 6.64% representing low, medium and high social levels respectively. Furthermore, using the personal style approach showed 6.06, 3.71 and 90.23% for the 3 levels respectively, while the topic style classified with 7.03, 8.20 and 84.77% for the 3 levels respectively. A significance variation among the 3 levels with L.S.D(2.941)- (0.05) and F value was 82.764 which showed a high significance. A significance correlation (0.01) between social classes degrees and all other variables such as age, membership in NGOs, annual income, cooperative relations, home status, local participatory, leadership level, degree of social belongingness، innovativeness, ، ambition level. A negative significance correlation (0.01) between social stratification and other variables such as education state, leadership position. The results clarified also a relation between social stratification and other variables such as family number, agricultural property. A 9 variables affected significantly for explaining the social stratification in descending order, the leadership level (66.40%), leadership in tribe(7.00%), social belongingness, 2.80%, the cooperative relations (2.10%), NGOs memberships(1.30%), innovativeness 1.00%, Age (0.90%), annual income (0.50%) and home status (0.30%). Finally all these independent variables were in significant with social stratification correlated by 0.907 with explanation by 82.30% of the total variance of social stratification. The F calculated value was 186.101 (0.1) which clarified that the model was significant.