Agricultural processing is derived demand of many agricultural products, and in spite of the multiplicity of patterns of agriculturalprocessing in the countryside, but the most important of which grind the grain industry, and that is where the raw grain converted to flour and its derivatives, machine rice, which is where the paddy rice is converted to white rice and dairy products for the structure, such as cheese, cream, butter and margarine plants, limited to study the problem in multiple types of units of agricultural industrialization deployed in countryside this study they are generally low in terms of technical and economic efficiency as well as high rates and rates of waste and damaged during the manufacturing process.
The management and operation of machine grain self-functioning economically efficient in terms of net return per ton in pound terms of about 130,9 L.E per ton, while the decline in operating condition for the account of others, where 13,1 L.E per ton, while the superior profitability in the case of operating expense third parties with an 69,31 pts / L.E versus 5,53pts/ L.E, but for technical indicators it to provide jobs in one year, it would require an investment of about 8292 L.E per worker per year in the case of self-management and operation, while about 66,18 L.E per worker annually In light of the previous findings, the study recommends that the importance of the promotion of economic and technical efficiency of agricultural processing of rural countryside in Sharkia Governorate, especially.
1-Comprehensive and accurate inventory for all the activities and projects of agricultural processing whatever small size and knead for the possibility of the government agencies such as supply, health and local administration to supervise them and monitor their activities.
2-Establishment of an official map of the activities and projects of agricultural processing and thus can handle weaknesses and imbalances.