The aim of this investigation is to study the effect of Moringa aqueous (MA) leaves extract addition to fresh fruit juices (pomegranate, strawberry, cantaloupe and white guava) on chemical, microbiological, physical and sensory properties. Moringa aqueous extract has high functional value for its high content of total carotenoids, vitamins; phenolic compounds and mineral show ever fruits have high sensory properties compared to moringa. Fresh fruit juices (guava - pomegranate - cantaloupe - strawberry) and MA extract were mixed in equal proportions of 1:1. Chemical and microbial properties of drinks were evaluated.
Results revealed that high moisture content was for cantaloupe (89.84%),followed by pomegranate juice (87.91(%, while Moringa aqueous extract recorded the lowest value (85.01%) after the addition of aqueous extract of moringa to juice ratio of 1: 1 increased moisture of pomegranate juice + MA extract (93.34%), followed by cantaloupe + Moringa aqueous extract(92.05%), while MA extract less content of moisture (85.01%).Total Sugar in pomegranate juice (9.57%), guava (9.42%), while dry MA extract (4.95%), whereas when adding of MA extract have a ratio of 1: 1 record MA extract+ pomegranate juice (8.02%),guava juice + MA extract(7.91%), and the lowest value (4.95%) to MA extract. Minerals in juices increased after the addition of MA extract have a ratio of 1: 1 for example, calcium to pomegranate juice (20 mg / 100g), guava (17 mg / 100 g), while after the addition of MA extract, ratio of 1: 1 record pomegranate juice + MA extract (25.51 mg / 100g), guava juice + MA extract (29.05 mg / 100g), and ratio increased for potassium, magnesium, iron and Zinc. high proportion of antioxidants juice increased after adding moringa ratio of 1: 1 ratio of carotenoids of guava juice (21.74mg / 100 g), cantaloupe juice (20.20mg / 100g), strawberry juice (20.08 mg / 100 g), while adding MA extract ratio of 1: 1 ratio of carotenoids: guava juice + MA extract(25.43 mg / 100 gm ), strawberry juice + MA extract(24.12 mg / 100g).
Sensory evaluation increased susceptibility to MA extract after adding juice ratio of 1: 1 MA extract(84.68%), strawberry juice + MA extract (90.5%), cantaloupe juice +MA extract (89.82%), and pomegranate juice + MA (89.43%) guava juice + MA extract (87.34%).
Microbial evaluation indicated a decline in microbial count of bacteria, mould and yeast in the moringa fruit aqueous extract during storage period of 15 days in refrigerator.
Conclusively, from obtained results, it can strengthen the Moringa aqueous extract with fruit juices to raise the nutritional value and as an antioxidant and antimicrobial (as a natural preservative).