One field experiment was carried out during the two successive winter seasons of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 at a Private Farm at Sohag Governorate, tostudythe effect of two cultivars (Balady and Sids 40) and three plant densities (one, two and three rows in ridge) on growth, yield and bulb quality of garlic, these treatments were arranged in a split plot design with three replicates, garlic cultivars were arranged in the main plot, while plant densities were arranged in the sub plot.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows: The interaction between Balady cultivar and planting in one row/ ridge recorded the tallest plants in both seasons. The percentages of dry matter of both leaves/plant and bulb, both bulb diameter and weight as well as clove weight were the highest with the interaction between Sids 40 and planting in one row/ ridge in both seasons. While, the highest total fresh (15.96 and 14.03 ton/fed.) and cured yield (10.02 and 8.80 ton/fed.) were obtained with the interaction between Sids 40 cultivar and planting in three rows/ ridge in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively, this treatment recorded relative increases in total fresh yield /fed. were about 56.31 and 58.89 % and total cured yield /fed were about 40.33 and 43.08 % over the interaction between Balady cultivar and planting in one row/ ridge. in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively.
Conclusively, under the conditions of this study, cultivated garlic cv Sids 40 in three rows / ridge for the best interaction treatment for increasing the productivity of garlic yield under Sohag climatic conditions.